Tuesday 11 May 2010

props list, costume, makeup

while i was trying to go for a very nattural feel to the piece (no makeup, nattural lighting, sound effects ect) and i have already mentioned the props list i still have something to say for costume. while the charecter has several costumes throughout the piece they are usually similar. in three scenes he is simply wearing the same thing (in one case minus a jacket and in all three wearing different T shirts). in his confrontation scene he is wearing the garb of a ninja which i did to add absurdity to what was already a very unrealistic scene. i added this scene to contrast with the harsher realism of the rest of the piece

dr insano's costume of a green labcoat and rubber gloves both paints her as an absurdist charecter and an anti hero. this is the only scene in which john is not wearing green and she the only scene in which another charecter is. this is to link their charecters as different from the mainstream, isolated. the rubber gloves were meant for the sake of comedy as were the goggles but i still was trying to breach the subject of this insane villian being far more relatable to john than any of his freinds and family.

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