Tuesday 6 October 2009

first page

A story of a cordoned off city filled with monsters and traps controlled by an eccentric crime boss bent on creating the world’s greatest death show featuring fabulous prizes
Boss: welcome gentlemen to DEATH CITY (close up on death city line and sound edit to make voice booming for those two words)
Henchman1: i still say we should have called it killsville
Henchman2: that names stupid. My vote was on the slaughtertorium
Boss: oh we are not getting into this again
Henchman1: killsville rhymes. Stuff that rhymes sounds better!
Henchman2: slaughtertorium is one word. That makes it cooler!
Boss: SHUT UP. Your lackeys you don’t get a say in this.
Henchmen give him dirty looks
Boss: (frustrated) fine well name the next one killsville
Henchmen2: and?
Boss: “sigh” and the slaughtertorium
Henchman 1 and 2 high five in the background
Boss: now as i was saying
Maincharecter1: what the hell is going on here?
Boss: as i was saying before the jerk in the dress interrupted me
Maincharecter1: hey there robes
Boss: like anyone cares. Now as i was saying. Were going to put you into a city and all you need to do is escape. Assuming you can get past the traps, zombies and poisonous flying monkey sharks that we have filled the city with and find your way to our ingeniously disguised exit.
Maincharecter2: did you say monkey sharks?
Boss: you can JUST escape OR you can kill people along the way for the reward of $100 a head
Man1: I get payed more to kill bugs. Make it $200
Boss: $45
Boss: $50 and that’s my final offer
Man1: done
Man2: damnit jeff your so fuckin stupid
Boss: moving on. Paying attention to what i have said constitutes as a legal contract so im afraid your all stuck with this now
Man3: i wasn’t paying attention
Man1: then how could you respond to what he just said?
Man2: godamnit jeff your a full fledged retard ya know that
Man1: i have a problem (says in hurt voice)
Main charecter1: this doesn’t seem legal
Boss: oops Q and A is done. Time for sleepy gas so we can put you in DEATH CITY (same edits are done as above. Potentially could use same clip twice)
Main character 2: i hate sleepy gas (says in pouty way)
Boss: oh and some of you are gonna get turned into monsters
Main character1: wait what? Falls over unconscious
Boss: night night

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